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Bruce Lee’s most famous quotes Master BRUCE LEE. The following quotes were written or spoken by Bruce Lee and are divided in the Like water, sparring should be formless. Pour water into a cup, it
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"Be water, my friend" Bruce Lee Moving People to Action. “Be water my friend.” Bruce Lee. What does Bruce Lee mean? What is it to “be water”? On “being water” What is it to “be water“? Water flows and adapts.
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Bruce Lee Wikiquote. Bruce Lee (27 November 1940 – 20 July 1973) was a Chinese American martial artist and actor who is widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the
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Bruce Lee Quotes (Author of Tao of Jeet Kune Do). Bruce Lee quotes (showing 130 of Be water, my friend.” ― Bruce Lee. tags brucelee, martialarts, philosophy, politics. 1217 likes bruce, fool, lee
Quote by Bruce Lee “You must be shapeless, formless, like. Bruce Lee ‘You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes t
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ZEN PENCILS » 37. BRUCE LEE Be water, my friend. BRUCE LEE Be water, my friend. by Gav on April 13, 2012. Chapter Comic. BRUCE LEE WEEK PART 1, PART 2. to flow like water around and through an opponent.
What Did Bruce Lee Mean 'Be Like Water'? Maria Senise. "Be like water." ~ Bruce Lee. In order to figure out the meaning of this, I suppose we should first discuss the extraordinary attributes of water.
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